E-reputation is this trendy term that refers to the management of the reputation of a physical or moral entity applied to the logic of the Web. To evaluate an e-reputation, it is sufficient to look for the name of the entity involved, and to evaluate the quality of the results, as well as the opinion we have of this entity as a result of this research. Then comes the consulting phase in which several solutions can be proposed: PR, community management, content deletion, and especially deployment of a presence and conquest of Google’s SERPs.


When the SERP presence/domination deployment option is selected, it is at this point that mastering the SEO of e-reputation becomes essential to make your efforts profitable, and especially to bring up valuable content on credible sites. The main difference between traditional SEO and SEO of e-reputation is due to this: in traditional SEO, we will try to make a site go up on a maximum of targeted requests, while in SEO of e-reputation, we will try to make go up a maximum of sites on a targeted request.


Thus, the work of an e-reputation agency is highly diversified: it is necessary to be able to make one or more personal/institutional sites, to have a good knowledge of SMO to give credibility to social profiles, to have a good journalistic sense to place articles, to understand the logic of image and video referencing according to Google, to be comfortable with the plurality of sites that make up the Web to know the most powerful ones, and to be skilled with the dynamics of Wikipedia’s change. The work of the Web referrer requires an excellent general knowledge of the Web, as well as a certain hacker spirit to divert the usefulness of certain sites. In terms of tools, e-reputation SEO requires the same tools as traditional SEO, with a few exceptions: tools or monitoring feeds are added on social networks, search engines, some Wikipedia pages, and any site or forum to monitor. Any negative or low quality content can become an unwanted competitor in search engines, so it is important to find this content as soon as possible and try to nip the chick in the bud. In the SEO of e-reputation, monitoring is mainly preventive.


The other important aspect to understand in the SEO of e-reputation is that it is not ROIist: no need to try to measure profitability in e-reputation actions, the only measurable thing is the improvement or not of the image of the entity worked. Individuals, brands and companies suffering from a bad e-reputation know how invaluable it is to restore it in order to continue to exist and prosper.